Sunday School

We offer several classes for a variety of ages and interests starting at 9:45 each Sunday morning.

Janet Jennings Smith Bible Study Class

The stated purpose of this class is to study the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Currently we are using videos from Right Now Media. Right Now Media is a streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos. During our classes we watch a video and then read and discuss the scripture that the video covered. We look for the meaning of the text both to the ancient peoples by whom they were first read and the meaning this same text has for us today. We try to find real life applications to help us live out our lives in a Christian way.

As a class we also support many organizations and individuals who are in need. Some examples are St. Jude’s, Victory House Ministries, Paducah Cooperative Ministry, Golden Cross Ministries, and Western Ky. United Methodist Family Services.

We welcome anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of the Bible and what it means to live a Christian life in today’s world.

Soul Sisters

Soul Sisters Sunday School Class is a group of women striving for Knowledge and a better understanding of the Bible and the message it has for us today. The class ranges in age from the teens to the eighties which gives us a broad spectrum of opinions and experiences. We use DVDs plus a study book guide our discussions. We would love to welcome you into our class!

Pairs and Spares

Pairs and Spares Sunday School Class is comprised of individuals ranging in age from 50-80. We meet in the classroom across from the Parlor.

Our teacher is Jerry Severns. It is a discussion-based class.

We always begin our class sessions with joys and concerns and prayer time.

In recent years we have studied books by Christian authors with accompanying videos. We read cited references from the Bible. One of our favorite authors is Adam Hamilton. Currently we are concluding “Fearless” by Max Lucado.

Our class president is Sandy Stuart, vice-president is John Tallman and secretary treasurer is Jane Bollinger. We support our assigned homebound member with cards, visits and holiday gifts. We prepare a meal for the Family Kitchen on Paducah’s Southside, when it’s our turn. For many years we have donated monthly to Reelfoot Rural Ministries and Paducah Cooperative

Ministeries. In the last few years at Christmas, we have donated to West Kentucky United Methodist Family Services to support foster children and their families.

We are a very close knit, caring group who are welcoming to others. We are always happy to have visitors and new members in class.

Paul Pearce/Contemporary Issues

Contemporary Issues Class is composed of individuals and couples across a wide range of ages and at various life stages – all are welcome!

Our class draws from many sources of material, primarily using Right Now Media’s excellent videos and teaching aids. Guided by those materials, we conduct open discussions, relating biblical teachings to living a Christian life in today’s complex, challenging, and rapidly changing world.

Family Matters

Our Class is for parents of teens and young adults/graduates. We discuss current events and family issues with emphasis on Christian beliefs in regard to those events/issues.


Sunday School and Children’s Church are offered on Sunday for Preschool through 5th Grade. Children enjoy Vacation Bible School for few days in June.

Breakfast with Santa takes place in December as the birth of Jesus is celebrated.

Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny is enjoyed during the Lenten season.

Children are involved in activities with music, crafts and games as they develop an awareness and understanding of Bible stories.