
Prayer is central to Worship.

Through the United Methodist Church and the Upper Room we pray with the Living Prayer Center, which has a single purpose: to help disciples of Christ experience the living, transformative power of prayer.

Submit a Prayer Request

to the Living Prayer Center
to the Reidland UMC Church Office

Visit the Living Prayer Center Prayer Wall

We encourage to explore different:

Methods of Prayer

Praying the Scriptures: “lectio divina”
Ignatian Method: “virtual experience of scripture”
Praying the Psalms: “the Bible’s book of prayer”
Intercessory Prayer: “praying for others”
Personalizing Scripture
The Examen: “remembering the day”
Praying As We Are: “your favorite way to pray”
Making Decisions: “a way to reach clarity”
Giving as Prayer: “giving of our gifts”

and to

Read Articles on Prayer.

Praying For The World
Soaking Prayer
Walking Prayer
A Blessing Exercise
On Prayer
Powerful and Effective Prayer
Seven Suggestions for Healing
Why Pray?
Praying in Ordinary Times